Apr 18, 20236 min read
Why Authors Need Artists
Thinking about commissioning an artist for the first time? A walkthrough. In my early days on Writing Twitter, I noticed something...
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Feb 16, 20237 min read
How I Got My Agent (!)
CONTENT WARNING: This post contains query stats at the very end. It ended with Jason Momoa GIFs, but that's not how it began... It began...
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Feb 13, 20233 min read
Why No One Writes Alone (at least, they shouldn't)
I guess I'd always thought of writing as a solitary pursuit. An author sits at a desk by a window surrounded by book-lined walls,...
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Feb 13, 20237 min read
Reflections on my Author Mentor Match Experience: What's so good about having a mentor, anyway?
[NOTE: This is going to be a Ren Hutchings Appreciation Post. You've been warned...] In October 2021, I joined Writing Twitter with the...
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Feb 13, 20233 min read
The MoodPitch Origin Story
How the MoodPitch team went from all vibes, no plot to trending #5 in the US.
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